Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Tiny Zoo Problem

My favorite game App for my iphone is Tiny Zoo friends. My daughters and I have spent countless hours buying, feeding and taking care of the animals. I love seeing my zoo get bigger and bigger. Yes this is a silly obsession, but hey I like it!

In the game the animals are born and grow at different rates and they only start making you money once they start growing. Here's a Tiny Zoo problem to think about...

In the Tiny Zoo, a newborn Siberian Tiger weighs 1300g when it is born. It gains 100g a day. A newborn spider monkey weights 3300g when born and it gains 200g every week. Who weighs more after two weeks, who weighs more after 6 weeks? The big question is, which animal needs the most food after 6 weeks? Food costs money! Take it beyond math now. If you were a real zoo keeper how much food would you have to feed these animals, what would you feed them, how much would it cost to feed them? Where would you find the information?

***As always review our learning goal and success criteria.

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