Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Geometry Blueprint Hack - How To Get A Level 4

Your blueprints are amazing. So far most of us have used the success criteria well and have reached our learning goal, but you may be interested in learning how to go above the standard and achieve a higher mark on your blueprint design.

Bump It Up! Level 4 Hack List
To achieve a level 4 or higher I will...

  • Use and have all of the elements found in the Level 3 Success Criteria Checklist 
  • Label and Name Park Attractions
  • Add Artistic Details and use my knowledge of prisms in some designs
  • Use different pathways for people to move throughout the park - trains, boats, gondolas
  • Include more than three different types of attractions - rides, restaurants, hotels
  • Ensure that angles and shapes are congruent where appropriate 
  • Add colour to highlight paths and attractions

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