Tuesday, January 15, 2013


A number of parents and students have asked how they can supplement the math curriculum at home. I think at the present moment one of the best individualized math programs going is a program called JUMP math. I had the opportunity of working with its creator, John Mighton, when we piloted the program for the Toronto District School Board at Carleton Village Public School a number of years ago. The manuals are around ten dollars each and can be ordered through the web site: http://jumpmath.org
When choosing a starting point I always start a grade below with my own children as a review of previous material. The great thing about JUMP math is that there are books for grades 1-8, so you can fill in the gaps at any level,you may even choose to get a head start at the grade 8 level. If you have any questions please leave a comment at the bottom of the post.

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