Thursday, December 13, 2012

Math 7: Algebra Success Criteria for Unit Test

Math 7 Unit Test: Wednesday, December 19, 2012!

Okay Grade 7s we've been working on Algebra for the last month and it's time to put it all together to show what you've learned. You have all done a great job on Algebra this term. On The test you will be asked to:
  •  model expressions
  •  write expressions from word descriptions
  • Solve equations by substituting variables
  • Solve equations by creating a balance
  • Use a table of values to solve equations
Learning Goal
By the end of the term I will be able to model algebraic expressions and solve algebraic equations using variables and constant rates

Success Criteria
To reach my learning goal I can...
  • Use tiles and pictures to model algebraic expressions
  • Understand that any letter (x,y,z) is a variable that can change
  • Understand that a constant number does not change
  • Use guess and check to solve an algebraic equation
  • Use a table of values to solve an algebraic equation that involves rate of change
Please see the math wall examples and review Pencasts as a review. See Mr. C if you need extra help!

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