Tuesday, September 18, 2012

You're Out Of Order!

This week the Grade 7s are learning about Order of Operations. We have spent time asking questions such as: how come my calculator is wrong, why is BEDMAS unreliable and why does Mr. Child keep referring to brackets as the UFC fighter of the math world?

In class we begin each new topic by "Getting Started", we look at a problem and work as a team to search for solutions. Sometimes we know the answer right away, sometimes we activate our prior knowledge by thinking about past lessons, sometimes we just take a chance and try our best to come up with something to contribute.

Our next step is to discuss our findings as a class and to build our "Math Wall". It is messy and imperfect but it helps us to develop ideas as a group and build upon the thoughts of everyone in the class.

Math Wall: Building Rules for Order of Operations

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