Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I've Moved!!!!!

I will no longer be posting on this site please visit me at the New Mr. C Academy!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Assessment Dates - Blueprints and Volume Quiz

Theme park blueprints are due on Friday, May 10. You may begin handing them in now. Please be aware that if you do not hand the work in on Friday, I will provide time at Nutrition Breaks for you to complete your work. Volume Quiz Friday. Please make sure to complete your practice work and review the videos on Volume of Rectangular Prisms and Volume of Triangular Prisms

Friday, May 3, 2013

Surface Area

Volume of a Triangular Prism

Volume of a Rectangular Prism

Minecraft for Learning?

Check out Brandon B's Minecraft blueprint

Throughout our Imageneering project we have used a variety of strategies to help our theme park designs come to life. Now you will use an application to create an attraction that will give you multiple views. As seen in the Expedition Everest documentary, once artistic drawings and blueprints are finished the Imageneering team moves to a computer application to create more details.

Today you will be using Minecraft as your computer application for the design of your theme park. Most of you are familiar with the game of Minecraft, but today you are not using it as a game, you are using it as a learning tool to add another element to your theme parks.

Learning Goal: Use the application, Minecraft to create a 3-D prism design of your theme park.

Success Criteria: I can...

  • use Minecraft to create cubic prisms
  • work collaboratively with a friend to create a theme park design
  • use the application for learning purposes
  • use the application appropriately, by using a recognizable user name, creating an invisible world so that others may not alter your work and by not destroying other peoples work
  • create a screen shot so you can share your design
Have fun and enjoy your designing, you are truly on the path to becoming great Imagineers!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Geometry - Assessing Your Blueprints

Today's Learning Goal...

Assess you and your friend's blueprint using the Success Criteria checklist and 'How to hack a level four,' found in April, 24, 2013 post. You must be able to use the blog to go back to our learning goals, success criteria and exemplars.

How to use success criteria when assessing yourself

1. Go over your own work first. Check all of the Success Criteria that you have completed so far, circle the Criteria that you still need to complete.

2. Provide feedback to yourself. Use the 'How to hack a level four' criteria to identify at least two things you are going to do to improve your work. Perhaps most importantly, identify at least two things you've done really well.

3. Be honest...if you have a few 90 degree angles ask yourself if you could change them somehow.

4. Be Kind...just because you haven't reached all of your Success Criteria, it doesn't mean you haven't worked hard

5. When you are finished hand your work to a friend.

How to use Success Criteria when assessing a friend

1. Do not look at what your friend wrote yet. Check off all of the Success Criteria that has been completed by your friend and circle the ones that need to be completed. You are going to have to use a protractor and a ruler to make sure everything is accurate.

2. Provide feed back to your friend. 'Use the 'How to hack a level four' criteria to identify two things your friend could do and identify two things your friend has done really well. Everyone wants to know something positive about their work

3. Be honest... if you see a few things that don't meet the Criteria it's better for your friend to know now then 10 minutes before handing in the final product. Being a good friend means being honest about work

4. Be's not easy for someone to hear about things that need to be improved. When you give feedback be nice about it.

Remember this...when Walt Disney began production of Walt Disney World he intended for it to never be finished. He vowed to always keep being innovative and to improve things in the Park. Always strive to improve your projects.

Now get back to it and continue to create. Next Week I will be using the Success Criteria to assess your work!