Monday, October 29, 2012

Will Frankensteinstorm Effect Halloween?

The news is telling us that a huge storm is on Its way. The Storm is thought to be one of the biggest on record. Some people are calling for Halloween to be moved until the storm passes. Should Halloween be postponed? How could our knowledge of science and math be applied to this problem?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Check Out Your Hometown!

Just thought you'd like to see a great video about the great City of Hamilton. Enjoy.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Problem of the Week: Pascal's Triangle

At the age of 13 a young Frenchman named Blaise Pascal was sitting around his house one day. He didn't have an iphone, he didn't have a computer, he didn't have an xbox, he only had his mind and a pencil. Can you continue Pascal's Triangle? What patterns do you notice?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Tiny Zoo Problem

My favorite game App for my iphone is Tiny Zoo friends. My daughters and I have spent countless hours buying, feeding and taking care of the animals. I love seeing my zoo get bigger and bigger. Yes this is a silly obsession, but hey I like it!

In the game the animals are born and grow at different rates and they only start making you money once they start growing. Here's a Tiny Zoo problem to think about...

In the Tiny Zoo, a newborn Siberian Tiger weighs 1300g when it is born. It gains 100g a day. A newborn spider monkey weights 3300g when born and it gains 200g every week. Who weighs more after two weeks, who weighs more after 6 weeks? The big question is, which animal needs the most food after 6 weeks? Food costs money! Take it beyond math now. If you were a real zoo keeper how much food would you have to feed these animals, what would you feed them, how much would it cost to feed them? Where would you find the information?

***As always review our learning goal and success criteria.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Math 6: Patterning

Learning Goal
I will be able to identify patterns and their rules to decide if they are increasing or decreasing. I will also be able to make my own patterns and rules using different strategies.
Success Criteria
To achieve my learning goal I can…
·         Use my fingers to add and subtract to find the gap in numbers
·         Use a t-table to find how a pattern is increasing or decreasing
·         Use an input and output machine to create patterns and see what operations are being used
·         Draw and build patterns with concrete materials
·         Make rules to decide if a pattern is increasing or decreasing
·         Use all of my strategies to solve real world problems

Monday, October 22, 2012

Math 7: Perfect Squares

Check out what we noticed about square numbers. What do you notice about our figures?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Math 7: Could You Manage McDonald's?

We have been discussing factors and multiples. We have been seeing how numbers have a lot in common, but does this have anything to do with the real world? Let's take a look.

Learning Goal: I will be able to understand the difference between multiples and factors. I will produce multiples and factors for whole numbers, using a variety of tools and strategies.

Success Criteria:
  • I can start at a number and skip count to find multiples
  • I can use a 100s chart to count up by a number to find multiples
  • I can compare the multiples of two or more numbers, by creating lists and using a 100s chart to identify the Least Common Multiple
  • I can use mental math to find factors of a number
  • I can use a 12x12 chart to find the factors of a number
  • I can use a calculator to divide numbers to find factors
  • I can compare the factors of two or more numbers to identify the Greatest Common Factor
  • I can use my personal device and google, calendars and any other apps that will help me solve real world problems

The Problem
You are the manager of McDonald's. Kevin, Alison and Fred work part-time at McDonald's. Kevin works every second day. Alison works every third day. Fred works every fourth day. Today they all worked together, when will they work together again? They need to know so they can drive in together. You need to make a schedule for these three workers. Use any tools or strategies that may work.

Factors and Venn Diagrams

Remember to organize factors by listing numbers in order. Circle all common factors and identify GCF. Remember factors are two numbers that make a product.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Math 6: Patterning

This week we are looking at inputs and outputs to identify patterns. Also, Jeffrey helped me with my splitting fence post problem. You are going to be a great carpenter some day Jeffrey.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Math 7: Factoring

Today we began looking at how numbers can be broken down into manageable chunks. We explored both prime numbers and composite numbers.

Homework: on your chart from class fill in each square until you arrive at 100. When you are done shade in all the prime numbers. Use the math wall for help.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

One Direction at Cardinal Heights?

One Direction's manager, Sid Smeal called me last night. He's looking for a middle school for the band to do a show in. He needs to know the specifications of the gym and seating arrangements pronto.

Today's Learning goal: Operation One Direction
Today I will...
  • I will organize a concert
  • Use an open array to solve a real-life concert emergency
  • Use a different strategy to check if my solution makes sense
  • make use of friendly numbers so I can communicate my ideas to Sid Smeal and the class
This is a ficticious problem. There is no way that One Direction is coming here. Or are they?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Problem of the week

Each week we will have a problem of the week to solve. It will be handed out Monday and explored on Friday. Students should work on it in class or on their own time in preparation for Friday.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hard At Work

Our learning goal over the past few days has been to create a variety of multiplication strategies to make numbers more friendly. Some of our favorite strategies are: strings, closed arrays and open arrays.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Never Underestimate What You Can Accomplish

Life isn't always easy. Sometimes things are going to get tough for you. Maybe something is hard for you in math class, maybe things are tough on the playground, maybe things aren't going well with friends. Just like Arthur, you will fall many times, but you can always get back up and try again. Remember what Arthur says..."Just because I can't do it today, it doesn't mean I'm not going to be able to do it someday!" You can do anything in this life, you just have to have the desire and the courage to try. I believe in you. You just have to believe in YOU!